What is this thing? Don’t feel bad If you don’ know; I’ve only just learned my self. It’s called a QR Code and If you have a SmartPhone you might already have the QR code reader on it. If not, it takes just a few seconds to download the application for free. Where you down load it from? I don’t know… I don’t even a phone!

But most people do have phones… and for them this is a quick and easy way to access my blog & the posters I’d like you to be able to download for free. every time I or anyone else pints and distributes my posters I hope the QR code will be close at hand… I’ll post New flyer sized codes for every poster, but for now here the ones I’ve done so far:



From the Hellenistic world of ancient times to the wonders of the present day; philosophers, mechanicians, artists and other great minds have dreamt of the perfect robotic being. The alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan created fantastic mechanoid monsters, Da Vinci envisioned a mighty automaton warrior and the reverend Anton LaVey described a seductive artificial humanoid companion! But not until now has the quest for the ultimate automata been realized… POSTER BOT!!!

Once he was man even as you or I… but he sacrificed his head to become the BOT! And now, working with the unstoppable force of the American Industrial Revolution POSTER BOT tirelessly cranks out posters with the diligence that only a machine-man can!

But seriously… I’m just some guy who really, really likes making posters.