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How much time do we waste worrying? How much effort does it take to get  angry? How much more would we get out of life if we could leave our fears, hatred and guilt behind us? This poster asks these questions in as clear way as I’ve ever seen but I’d like to take a moment to explore the idea further…

I’m sure we’ve all had bad experiences with customer service: the bus driver was rude, the cashier wouldn’t except the item being returned, or the barista didn’t put enough foam in our coffee. How do we respond? I live in Seattle where locals are notorious for being passive aggressive and it’s shocking how much time & energy it takes to maintain that way of thinking. Have you looked at Yelp lately? Although it’s true that people do put good reviews on Yelp how many more people write bad ones? How many businesses were placed on Yelp by irate customers who wanted nothing more than an opportunity to complain? That takes work… wouldn’t the world be better served if people invested half as much energy in art, discovery and one-another as they do in spreading hatred?

My whole life I’ve heard the phrase “They’re not worth it.” or “Forget it, it’s not worth it.” Admittedly I’ve spent a lot of time arguing to the contrary but now that I have more interesting things to do than worry about what God or other people think of me… I understand. Politics, prejudice and the lust personal are cumbersome weights that hold us all back… maybe it’s time we cut the cord.

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