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This was inspired by a real-life event… I live in the U-district which is constantly full of inebriated students and it seems like they’re always looking for new ways to be drunk & stupid. One night I was walking home and I passed by a church. At one of the corners of the building there was a guy pissing on the church. The action struck me as being so unusual that it had to be intentional. If this guy wasn’t making a deliberate protest; then he at least thought it would be funny.

In my previous article I make a big deal how much I love Satan and Satanic Cinema. It’s true… I really do. But unlike most people (with similar interests) I don’t feel the need to insult or disrespect other peoples religions in order to distance myself from them. So what is this poster about?

Yes it’s a shocking image and at a glance most people assume I’m trying to profane Judeo-Christianity but look closely… I give the church a chance to respond by asking the question “Does he see the irony?” The guy pissing in this poster clearly takes issue with church policies. No matter what the denomination or even religion it seems like most churches practice some sort of intolerance: toward homosexuals, people of color, political choices, even & especially against other religious beliefs. But they can’t be all bad? Because a church is a collection individual members, each free to interpret or dismiss doctrine in their own way. To say that all Christians are intolerant would be akin to saying all Jews are cheap or that all Blacks love fried chicken. And that’s my point… Making a mass judgement on any group, race, or theology is just another form of intolerance.

I’m not saying the guy pissing on the church is wrong to protest, I’m not even questioning the validity of his method. I’m just asking if he see’s the irony. Do you?

One response to “INTOLORANCE

  1. Sadhana ⋅

    Who are you?!? Ive seen this poster around town & thought you were somebody who didn’t like Christians. Now I don’t know what to think. What’s the point of doing this?

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