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This is a piece I was really proud of. I’m walking up The Ave one day & I see some guy (presumably some homeless guy) holding a sign that read simply “I need $ for food.” There was something about it, something about that dollar sign that made sense graphically. I had to make it a poster. But what kind? I wanted throw a twist into it; something to make people think… then it hit me: Why do some people need more $ for food?

We place a lot emphasise on getting the best. We put a lot of faith in brand-names and products. Is our trust ever really returned to us? How many things do we wear that were manufactured by underpaid workers in other countries? How many products do we buy that are truly worth the price?  The average number of food miles for edibles consumed in America can be anywhere between 1ooo-5ooo so when we buy food are we paying for its quality or its plane ticket?

But more importantly why are so many of us convinced that we should get more, make more, have more? If a homeless man can survive on $ does a businessman really need more $?

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